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Business Plan Development

Business Plan Development

Any successful business or organization needs goals to reach. This gives the business purpose and will lead to strategizing a pathway to attain those goals. At DJJ, we know you may love doing something, but you don’t know what your end goal should be. We have experience in helping you to navigate those questions and realize what your overall vision is. The development of a mission statement is a great and necessary step towards clarifying that vision.

The next step in organizing your business or non-profit is developing metrics, based on performance, that can confirm or deny whether or not you are pacing correctly towards your goals and vision. For example, total sales might be your definition of measurement for your goals. Others may value profit margin, while still others, units sold. Whatever it is that you are trying to attain, DJJ will assist you in deciding the process and cultivating the procedures.

Along with performance metrics, reporting should be consistent as well. Identifying a concise report structure that can be read easily and quickly is key to assessing these performances. In addition, generating this report consistently and on time will help to judge incremental goal attainment, whether it be monthly or quarterly. DJJ will help you create those reports, so nothing is a guessing game.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning can be complicated and comes in many different iterations. Sometimes strategic planning can be an overall outline of how a company will reach its goals, and it is created at the origination of the organization. Other times strategic planning needs to change constantly, based on being a seasonal plan, forces in the market that are changing the atmosphere, or even a catastrophic event, such as Covid. DJJ has massive experience in charting an overall strategic plan that has many facets and can be broken down to a level that is understandable for all. The biggest pivot most companies ever had to make was when Covid shutdown the world in March of 2020. Some businesses such as car dealerships were completely closed for a certain time period. Other companies had to ramp back up from closures with smaller staffs and increased safety measures and associated costs. And almost every business in the world was affected in some way, with most having an enormous initial decrease in customers and revenue. This was one situation where a fluid strategic plan was necessary. DJJ can help you form a plan to begin with when you possibly have very limited resources. When growth is attained, DJJ can help you to allocate resources.

Choosing the Right Project Team

Talent selection acquisition may be the singular most important process in building a business or organization. Without good people you have nothing. Many companies have wasted millions of dollars in recruiting and training employees that don’t work out at all. Sometimes training may last two weeks, and the employee is out after six. The return on that investment is negative. Recruiting and hiring trends and tools change constantly with the times. DJJ will help you navigate websites and apps that source highly effective employees. We will also assist you in fitting the new employee into the perfect role.

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