DJJ Events

Management Consulting

Explore your
Business Potential

DJJ will help businesses DO: business FICO Score Enhancement, develop pathways to access Capital, identify profit maximization strategies, and build cost containment solutions for the payment platforms used to process business transactions. And finally, DJJ will assist businesses in enhancing their digital presence and attract more followers and customers.

Raise your business FICO score

At DJJ, we provide a wide array of management and business consulting services. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation. A FICO score is one of the most important factors in calculating the cost of doing business. The score is a reflection of the credit risk associated with a company. DJJ will help you raise your business FICO score. This in turn will get your company lower rate offers on business loans that may be necessary for your operations. The savings accrued by getting approved for lower interest rates could be extraordinary.

In line with the FICO score enhancement, DJJ will open and improve other pathways to capital as well. Venture capital or an angel investor may be the route you decide upon to start up your new business. If you have already launched a successful business, we can help you find available low interest business credit cards, develop a crowdfunding campaign, or assist you in a myriad of ways. We will help you keep all lifelines open so you can grow and thrive.

Identifying profit maximization strategies

Whether your company is creating large amounts of gross revenue or not, DJJ will help you identify profit maximization strategies. If your revenue is low, we can find cost-cutting measures through analysis of your labor, operations, manufacturing, raw materials, rent, and a multitude of other costs. If your revenue is high, paired with cost-cutting measures, DJJ can identify the actions that are making you the most money and amplify them.

There are many cost-containment solutions available to decrease the cost of processing business transactions. There are innumerable payment platforms that can be used, and the costs associated may be fixed, a percentage, or other type of structure. DJJ will help identify the payment processing structure that fits best with your business and will be most beneficial to your bottom line.

Attract more followers and customers

DJJ is also an expert in digital marketing and visibility. We can attract more followers and customers to your business. Whether you need a refresh on your website or you don’t have a digital presence at all, DJJ can create revenue generating content. We will optimize your site on Google and other search engines through that content creation and backlinking. Additionally, DJJ can deliver high-quality paid advertisements and a comprehensive social media strategy.

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