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Public Relations

Messaging Across Platforms

A company or organization has a story to tell. They want to announce to the world (or in some cases to their community) what their products and services are and how customers or potential customers can purchase these. They might want to promote an altruistic cause that will better peoples’ lives or improve the natural world. A company or organization might also want to unveil a new line of something or a new process that they are providing to the public. There is also mess cleanup at times as well. If someone received horrible service or if one of your employees said something inflammatory in public, an innovative public relations strategy may be implemented. DJJ can manage all of this for you.

The platforms that are important to different demographics changes on an almost monthly basis these days. It is important to know where your target audience is looking, listening, reading. Facebook is used by some of the older generations now, while “Generation Z” is using Tik Tok and Instagram. Google is used almost universally by all ages and types of people. The point is, digital or not, all channels of branding your company need to be explored and the proper messages need to be delivered efficiently.


Your logo, your jingle, your colors, your cause, your message, your goals…these are all remarkably imperative aspects of your company’s identity. Advertising and distinct design comprise branding. It is making you stand out in a way that will benefit your company or organization. DJJ works with the top class of creative and graphic designers. Our clients usually feel the wow factor immediately upon laying eyes on our designs. In addition, we will provide strategy and avenues to show your logo and design in as many places as possible. If you are a non-profit and you are trying to create awareness or present your message, we can help you carve a path towards name recognition and increased revenue.

Reputation Management

There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide when it comes to having a “reputation” on the internet. It is a business’s choice to either control that reputation or not. If you don’t, the public creates its own understanding of what they want you to be. Through social media and Google Business Profiles, DJJ can spread the word on who you really are and what your business really does.

Digital Marketing

Google is still the place the overwhelming majority of people go to, when looking for businesses or other organizations. It is the world’s biggest library. And as such, a business should want to have priority placement. The higher on Google your organization appears, the more eyeballs it will attract. Search Engine Optimization is a way of creating content and linking your content to the world. In turn, Google ranks you higher for your keywords. DJJ works with some of the best digital marketing teams in the world.

Business Communications

Whether you need a press release, you are announcing a promotion or new division, or you have a corporate issue that needs discussion with the public, DJJ will spread your news or message. We are experts at relaying your statement in a way that will make your company or organization look responsive, proactive, intelligent, and understanding.

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